Paul cox, author

Wholesome Western
Books & Novels

Could western author Paul Cox be the next Louis L’Amour?

Cowboys, Indians, action and drama fill the good, clean westerns of this promising writer of colorful Western books and novels.



With the Confederacy lost, Tyler Grayson refuses to live under Union rule. He heads west traveling up the Missouri River to the gold camp of Helena but is soon embroiled in a complicated murder plot that involves the widow of a Union soldier. If you enjoyed Paul Cox’s other works, you won’t want to miss this latest adventure! MORE…


Paul Cox lives with his wife on a small ranch in Sandpoint, Idaho. He is an avid outdoorsman, a member of the Single Action Shooting Society and Western Writers of America. Most of his writing and art work are done in the winter when a fire is blazing and the snow is deep. His “boots on the ground” research is usually reserved for the spring but if a story warrants it, he will hike the Arizona or Nevada deserts in mid July.
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